The answer is yes. You should paint the walls before installing your kitchen cabinets. Painting the walls before installing kitchen cabinets might seem time-consuming, but it can save you time in the long run.
You don’t have to worry about your cabinet color matching or whether or not there are blemishes on your last paint job. The following are reasons why you should paint walls before installing kitchen cabinets during kitchen renovations:
Pre-planning to paint your walls before installing kitchen cabinets will allow you to alter the layout. You may have originally planned on installing your cabinets in one spot, but after painting those walls, you discover that the color doesn’t work for you. Since you’ve already painted them, it becomes easier to change your layout without worrying about wall color.
If you have ever repainted a wall once, you know how difficult it is to match colors. It doesn’t matter if your paint job is perfect; it might be challenging to hide the imperfection if the color doesn’t match. You can save time by using the same paint that you will have on your cabinets (if it’s a dark color).
Since you’ve already painted your walls, it will be easier to match the color of your cabinets. You can use a similar color that you can get from the paint store near your home or a matching color from the paint store near your kitchen. Hiding imperfections on the wall while painting is easy as long as you follow specific steps. The same goes for matching paint colors.
When you paint the walls before installing kitchen cabinets, you are more familiar with the space that you are painting. You will be able to see walls up close. This will help you make changes or improvements that can be used while installing cabinets. For example, if there is a wrong spot on the wall, you may remember it and know how to fix it later on in your project.
When you plan to paint the walls before installing kitchen cabinets, you will save time in the long run. You won’t have to repaint walls that you may have already painted before entering your kitchen remodel project.
For installations of kitchen cabinets in and around the Cape Town area, feel free to get in touch!